my reality were changing! Capgras and New Family Friends

 I noticed something in 2020! Things around my reality were changing! At one point I thought humanity split in someway like a double world. And when I went to the Recreation Center at my college there was a young man that was surprised to still see it was me , and said its just me and you everyone has been switched! We are the last left! It was good to see I could feel his shock of feeling he was the only one left in the world. I knew what was going on in anticipation kind of. And I just let it be how It was, I tried not to over react about it! But yeah

This story or how I felt almost feels like a unusual Sci Fi Movie or Book but for me it was very real at the time! All I knew is that everything everyone seemed to have changed or re evolved into almost like new all around me. I just wanted to post this because I thought it was interesting to keep so im writing about this experience here! I have had lots of Dejavu as well, and someone at one point told me maybe that means you are in the right time line! Sometimes I feel my understanding what happened at seeing it could happen to me has almost saved my entire existence! Of seeing the Big Picture of things and being Dyslexic and also developing Schizophrenia where I could hear voices and things that others could not! Almost like a gift!


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