Amazing Picking Up New Thoughts in my Mind


One day I wondered in my mind could I possibly pick up different thoughts from the voices like they do to me. One time I just let my head wait and I concentrated on doing talk in my head but instead let something come to let something else talk in my head. All of a sudden new words I would not been able to think of I was saying newly in my head where I had no idea where it was coming from. Here it goes I can feel it right now '' Impartial awareness'' Intracated Difference my mind just told myself. Implasauble Action my mind just told myself again. I have never herd these words but they come to me like a unknown dream talking to me.

Here it goes again let me try to get it here as I write. "Faction of Dissatory ways" I have no idea what that means but it just came in my head. "Interconnected Ways

my mind says. "Portable Inquiry". 

Masterful Achievement,

 Commander Life, 

Interwoven Ideas,

 Discreet Past , 

Partake Minutes Been Made


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