My Experience With Mental Health
I have been in 3 different support groups lately where we meet up and just talk. I am part of Nami , A Bay Area Voice Group and a Facebook Group. I have learned alot from others peoples stories. Some peoples Stories are very interesting actually. People have spend hours on end or months just talking with their voices so much it seems to absorb them completly and make them sick. I personally never let my voices take me in if I hear them I try my best to ignore and distract myself because then I will become them and they will become a part of me which isnt always good because they are very negative. Mine happen Externally meaning outside of my head. People have alot of experiences with voices some of them been hearing for 20 years or to even 40. People have lots of experiences. Its hard when it comes to the voices being mean because they can cause me to have episodes. Luckily I was not near any cops because People with mental disabilties are more than 15 times more likely to ...